About Us
- Company
Name - NTT sonority, Inc.
- Establishment
- September 1, 2021
- Chief Executive Officer
- Hiroshi Sakai
- Capital stock
- 2.0 billion yen
- Our Services
- Planning, development, sales, licensing, and contract development of software related to voice, sound, etc.
- Planning, development, design, manufacturing, sales and contract development of hardware related to voice, sound, etc.
- Research, development, provision of technology and contract research and development of technology related to voice, sound, etc.
- Research, analysis and consulting of information related to voice, acoustics, etc
- Planning, design, construction, installation, maintenance, operation and leasing of audio equipment
- Planning, production, distribution, and licensing of digital content
- All businesses incidental to or related to the preceding items
- Head office location
3-20-2, Nishishinjuku,
Tokyo 163-1432, Japan
- Chief Executive Officer
- Hiroshi Sakai
- Senior Vice President, and COO.
- Koichi Takami
- Director
- Shunya Sakai
Minoru Koshida
Satoshi Hayashi(Part-time)
- Auditor
- Yutaka Demura
Kazuto Fukuda(Part-time)